
Dynamic Flow

Tues - Fri mornings @ 8am

Class time: 30 mins

A woman moving.


$8/class (10-class pass)

$10/class (5-class pass)

$15 Drop in

Try the class for FREE! Select “Free Intro Class Pass” when registering.

Playful, exploratory, energetic, and fun, Dynamic Flow is the perfect way to wake up your body and get it moving for the day.

In Dynamic Flow we use a soft, weighted rubber ball and flowing repetitive movement patterns to increase mobility, build core strength and stability, promote balance and improve cognitive health. The class will leave you in a state of relaxed readiness and present-minded awareness. Accessible to people of all fitness levels.

Music is a key element of the Morning Movement experience. While it frequently changes, here is a typical playlist for the class:
Morning Movement Playlist

Tuesday and Thursday morning classes are more of an intro-level class (see description below) while Wed and Fri morning classes are a little more energetic and advanced. 

While no two classes are ever the same, the general format is this:
Dynamic stretching ~ 5 mins
Ball work ~ 10 – 15 mins
Floor work ~ 5 – 10 mins
Standing meditation ~ 3 mins

We usually start with a bit of dynamic stretching, limbering up the wrists, shoulders, upper and
lower back, hips and ankles. We then explore a series of repetitive movements which involve swinging and tossing a lightly weighted rubber ball. These movements build dynamic balance, core stability, shoulder and torso mobility, hand-eye coordination and lower body strength, as well as cardiovascular and cognitive health. We then spend some time working on the floor, either on hands and knees, seated, and/or lying on our backs, doing movements that strengthen the muscles of the hips and lower back, core and arms. Finally, we come back to standing and close our eyes for a few minutes of meditation, focusing on the breath and physical sensations to bring us fully into the present moment.

  • Open floor space, ideally 6’ x 6’
  • Either a 2.2 lb or a 3.3 lb “Softmed” medicine ball
  • Some sort of pad for the knees, if being on hands and knees is uncomfortable (optional)

Anyone and everyone! An excellent class for improving overall mobility, core strength, coordination and efficiency/ease of movement. The format for Level 1 & 2 classes is basically the same. Level 1 classes introduce the movement patterns with the ball, and include more personalized feedback if desired. Floor work is a little less rigorous. Level 2 classes are a little more dynamic, tend to emphasize more lower body strengthening movements, and offer more challenging balance exercises and floor work.

Dynamic Flow Intro Series

Tues & Thurs mornings @ 8am; 30 mins

Dynamic Flow is a kind of movement language, and once you understand the basic concepts and patterns of the language you can string together movement sequences and/or follow along as we move and explore these patterns together. 

The Intro Series will teach you the basic principles, and essential patterns that make up this language, including how to work with mass, momentum, and gravity in a way that enlivens and opens the body, soft tissues and joints. 

Completing this short, 4-week series will prepare you to join the regular, on-going Dynamic Flow classes on Wed and Fri mornings.

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While no two classes are ever the same, the general format is this:
Dynamic stretching ~ 5 mins
Ball work ~ 10 – 15 mins
Floor work ~ 5 – 10 mins
Standing meditation ~ 3 mins

We usually start with a bit of dynamic stretching, limbering up the wrists, shoulders, upper and
lower back, hips and ankles. We then explore a series of repetitive movements which involve swinging and tossing a lightly weighted rubber ball. These movements build dynamic balance, core stability, shoulder and torso mobility, hand-eye coordination and lower body strength, as well as cardiovascular and cognitive health. We then spend some time working on the floor, either on hands and knees, seated, and/or lying on our backs, doing movements that strengthen the muscles of the hips and lower back, core and arms. Finally, we come back to standing and close our eyes for a few minutes of meditation, focusing on the breath and physical sensations to bring us fully into the present moment.

  • Open floor space, ideally 6’ x 6’
  • Either a 2.2 lb or a 3.3 lb “Softmed” medicine ball
  • Some sort of pad for the knees, if being on hands and knees is uncomfortable (optional)

This introductory class is perfect for anyone who is new to Dynamic Flow, or to mobility training in general. It is accessible to people at all ages and fitness levels, although it does involve standing and moving on our feet, and getting up and down off the floor.

20 min Daily Balance

Mondays and Wednesdays, 9-9:20am

senior woman doing yoga

Like any other system of the body, our balance (which involves a complex integration of several different systems) will deteriorate over time unless we engage and challenge it on a regular basis. Here we take a whole-body approach to balance training, working from the ground up. In each class we spend some time working on sensory awareness and neuro-motor efficiency and alertness in our feet, legs and hips, core strength and stability, and upper body responsiveness.

The emphasis is on dynamic balance – maintaining balance with the body in motion. Participants can modulate the level of challenge that is comfortable to them.

20 minutes of balance training.
Exercises could include rolling the foot on a ball to stimulate sensory awareness in the feet; circling the ankles for mobility and sensory-motor responsiveness; leg-strengthening exercises; movements for core stability; ball swinging movements with balance; practicing quick movements with arms and legs; mobility/stability exercises; and practicing balance on the balance pad. Every class will be slightly different.

Anyone can benefit from either level, as all the exercises are modifiable to your level. However, the level of challenge will generally be pitched a little higher in Level 2, and a little lower in Level 1.

  • Level 1: People who have difficulty balancing on one leg for more than 5 seconds.
  • Level 2: People who can comfortably balance on one leg for 5 – 10+ seconds.

In this short video I explain a bit about how the human balance system works, how we train our balance, and why it’s so important.

Movement Training for Pickleball

Offered Winter, '23-'24

Increase your confidence and enjoyment of the game while minimizing the risk of injury with these short pickleball conditioning classes.

In each class we focus on the joints, muscle groups, and movement systems of the body (balance, reaction time, coordination and agility) that are engaged when we play pickleball.

Exercises flow from one to the next in a way that will also build your stamina and endurance, while having fun and stimulating your brain.


Classes are always different, but the general format is this:
Stretching and warm-up ~ 5 mins
(mobility and strengthening moves for wrist, shoulders, torso, hips and ankles)
Strength and Balance ~ 10 mins
Coordination and Agility ~ 10 mins
Cool-down and Awareness Meditation ~ 5 mins

  • Open floor space, ideally 8’ wide x 5’ deep
  • Pickleball paddle and pickleball
  • Resistance Band Set 
  • Ordinary kitchen rolling pin

While this class will benefit pickleball players at all levels, it is particularly well-suited to relatively new players, ages 45 and up, who are getting into the game without a strong fitness background. The class is designed to build the strength and neuro-muscular awareness to play at a competitive, recreational level while avoiding injury.